Friday, December 30, 2011

closing out the old year

It has been a rather lovely second to the last day of 2011.  This year has brought many changes for me within myself and am looking eagerly towards a new year to continue this incredible life.

Today's project was a very warm and toasty pair of slippers.  Adapted from Simplicity 2278. Made from scraps. Up-cycled jeans on the bottom and fleece on the inside with a vintage flannel snowman print to keep my tootsies warm.

Spend some time each day on your Hearts Desire.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Well here we are the day after Christmas and all is fairly quiet. At this very moment the drum set that Seth got from Santa is not occupied (of course until someone walks by it in the living room).  Preparations are being made to move it to his bedroom where it will be less of a temptation from the other family members. Just imagine animal on the Muppet's with a very concentrated face and you have Seth at the drums. Total joy to watch. Our Christmas this year was very quiet and I loved every second of it. Our Christmas Musical at church was on the 18th and Christmas with my family was on the 20th due to R.j. and Lauren being in town from Washington. This made my sister so very happy to have her son and girlfriend home and their new wee bun in the oven. It also made for a quit Keeley Christmas as we were home just us 7 for Christmas eve and Christmas day. Just what this mama needed.

I have decided to continue in the coming years  the development of myself for the betterment of my family. I realized that I have spent far too long in the service of others or worried about their thoughts of my service and not focused at all on my family and what I should be doing. Part of this comes from a deep desire to please all people and the fact that I am a Renaissance Soul. Side note get the book The Renaissance Soul by Margaret Lobenstine a great read for those f you who are like me with more then one passion in life. This book helped tremendously along with books from Eckheart Tolla. I do feel the ability to focus daily on what I am supposed to be doing and not just what others want me to do and be.

The quiet has been interpreted by a drum solo by the 15 year old. : D

Changes have been made in the household as well and decided that this mama needed a space to call her own. Very hard to come by in a home that is only 1800 square feet and 7 people. Rooms are small and most spaces must multi task. I did however make the decision that the multi task room of school, craft, office, computer room become just mom's craft room. I have however allowed the computer to stay and will create a small office on the wall above it. Mostly it is my room to do as I please and allow my Renaissance Soul flourish here. The school room is being redirected to another space and a huge project to be handled in January.

I am looking forward to my garden. It does not help that their is no snow to speak of here on the 26 th of December in the middle of Michigan. All I can see is grass and dirt just waiting to be worked in the lack of snow makes the desire to be in the garden greater. Big plans this year for the garden as the seed packets keep arriving every month from Mike the Gardener.

Keep your desire